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Levels of Evidence Resources

American Family Physician

EBM Resources and rating the strength of the evidence.

EBP Pyramid with links to SMU Resources

An easy way to determine and select appropriate resources for EBP

Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2014

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations on screening, counseling, and preventive medication topics and includes clinical recommendations for each topic.

JBI's Systematic Reviews

A series of articles from AJN on systematic reivews located in full text in OvidSP.

The JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods article series is designed to aid clinicians who must read primary research literature to stay current, but who may not be familiar with or understand the increasingly complex methodologies and statistical analyses now used in clinical research. Articles are written in plain English, avoid complex mathematics, and present material graphically whenever possible. In addition, the articles will explain why a particular test or method was used, what its limitations are, discuss risks of bias, and examine why the study authors used the particular test. 

Primary vs. Secondary Examples

Primary Study Examples

Clinical trials

Randomized Controled Trials (RCT)

Multicenter Studies.

Secondary Study Examples



Systematic Reviews

Search Examples and Results

Evidence-Based Literature Reviews (Search Results) - NCCIH

Healthy People 2020 Structured Evidence Queries - published literature covering Healthy People 2020 focused topics

NCCIH - CAM sample searches on PubMed