Target Audience: Students, Faculty, and Staff. Request a meeting with your librarian or send a chat, text or email to get just-in-time assistance with course assignments, projects, literature search instruction, and/or finding the right resources for the right purpose at the right time. Ask a Librarian!
"The library is more than just a place to check out books" - Anonymous student.
A variety of eBooks by subject or topic. Download or print chapters. Includes infographics, videos, podcasts, and board review materials. Patient Education handouts can be customized with an Access Medicine account.
A Librarian is at the virtual reference desk available to help you answer your questions.
In addition to limited in-person library service hours, the SMU Library reference and instruction team continues to be available online for reference help and instruction sessions. Connect with an SMU Librarian by chat, text, email or meet during the campus library open hours.
Get the information you need when you need it!