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Sacramento Campus Library

Library Resources for Sacramento Students

Welcome to the Sacramento Campus Library

Books and computer

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

This guide is for Sacramento students who want to learn more about library services and resources.  Please contact me with suggestions or questions if you need help with something not featured here!

Hours and Access (SMU Badge Required)

  • Same as Campus; Daily 7am-10pm
  • There are three computer workstations and a printer
  • Library study spaces are First come/First serve  
  • The Sacramento library is not open to the public.


Textbooks and other course-specific materials are available for library use only.  In some cases, a textbook can be checked out for 2 weeks.

Books for Checkout

The library has a small collection of Books, NCLEX and other test materials that students may borrow for a loan period, which is usually 2 weeks. You are welcome to borrow materials from another SMU Campus. You can check out items using the Self-Checkout online form. Library materials may be renewed if there are no requests from other students.  You can do this online or by contacting the library.

Requesting Books and Articles 

The library can assist students in obtaining journal articles and books that are not available in an SMU library.   These requests may be submitted directly to the Graziano Library the Request Library Materials form.