Healthcare providers face constant information overload making it difficult to quickly identify relevant, accurate and critically appraised patient care information. This guide provides point-of-care and evidence based tools, resources and information relevant to everyday patient care or research needs.
Librarians are expert searchers who can assist with finding the right information, at the right time, for the right patient or purpose.
How do you decide on a topic when confronted with conducting research? You want a focused topic!
Need help getting started? Ask a Librarian. Consider the librarian tips below.
Tip 1: Make sure your topic meets the assignment requirements. Ask your professor for feedback if you are unsure.
Tip 2: Choose a topic that is interesting to you or your team. It may seem obvious, but this will make the research process more fun and engaging for you.
Tip 3: Consider the scope of your topic. If your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information that is focused and relevant; if your topic is too narrow it may be hard to find any information at all.
Tip 4: Review all of the "Clinical or Research Questions & Search Strategies" tabs. Start with reviewing background information to get an understanding of what is already known about a topic, then move toward developing a PICO(TS) question which will lead to constructing a well-developed search strategy. Document the sources researched and search strategies.
Tip 5: Check out the following sources to help identify ideas for a topic of interest.
It is helpful to begin by identifying the type of information you seek. For example, EBP questions are typically classified as background or foreground questions. Ask a Librarian for assistance as you begin your research process.
Background questions help you identify and understand what is known about an area of interest when it is unfamiliar. These questions address general knowledge of disease processes or clinical contexts and are often broad in scope. Example: Is Obesity a Disease? (Britannica
I Need: | Examples: | Resources to Consider: |
General overview of a particular disease or condition What is already known about a clinical or research topic Who, what, when, where, how, why? related to disorders, tests, treatments, etiology Medical or nursing textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles |
How does the drug acetaminophen work to affect fever? What is the difference between depression and bipolar disorder? I have a new patient with sickle cell anemia; I need an overview of this condition. What is the best treatment for GERD? Should a patient with a recent MI take Ezetemib? What causes migraines? What is the best steroid dose for asthma exacerbation in children? |
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) |
Locating background information on a given topic can be critical for understanding the scope, context and foundation for a research area of interest. Background questions tend to be broader than specific clinical questions, and may include information such as:
When selecting a background source, consider:
Foreground questions ask for specific knowledge to inform decisions or actions and generally compare one or more options (intervention/comparison to the gold standard of care).
Foreground questions are more granular and refer to a particular feature of the condition in question, such as how best to make the right diagnosis, how to treat it, or what to expect prognostically based on factors the patient possesses. Therefore, foreground questions require primary sources that synthesize a wide range of knowledge, requiring a comprehensive literature search. Ask a Librarian for assistance.
In order to most appropriately choose an information resource and craft a search strategy, it is necessary to consider what kind of question you are asking: a specific, narrow "foreground" question, or a broader background question that will help give context to your research (e.g. prevention, etiology, diagnostic, therapy).
I Need: | Examples: | Resources to Consider: |
Qualitative “synthesis” of primary evidence, in some cases accompanied by meta-analysis Critically appraised topics, systematic reviews +/- meta-analysis Primary research studies (e.g, Randomized Controlled Trials) Studies that prove clinical effectiveness with empirical data |
Is cognitive behavioral therapy a useful adjunct to standard care for people with schizophrenia? Does a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids lessen asthma severity in children? In veterans with PTSD, does eye movement desensitization and reprocessing versus cognitive-behavioral therapy decrease PTSD symptoms? In a 65 year-old obese male with Type 2 Diabetes, does gastric bypass surgery compared with standard medical care result in weight loss and remission of diabetes? Are proton pump inhibitors more effective than H2 blockers for the alleviation of GERD symptoms in adults who do not have peptic ulcer disease? |
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Health Services Research PubMed Queries Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest) |
Tools: Cochrane Clinical Answers (PICOs) | Evidence Based Medicine (NLM) | PICO Resource Center (Ovid)
Developing an effective and well-structured EBP question is very important because it directs the strategies you and your team will use to search for evidence. The PICO(TS) format is used to create questions that are as specific as possible, making your search more productive and efficient. Ask a Librarian for assistance.
PICO(TS) defines and describes the elements of an answerable EBP question:
P = Patient/Population/Problem: Describes the patient, population, or problem succinctly. Includes the type of patient or population and the setting, considering attributes such as age, gender, symptoms, and diagnosis.
I = Intervention or Issue of Interest: The intervention can be a clinical treatment, an educational or administrative intervention, or a structure or process.
C = Comparison: Foreground questions compare one intervention to another. Background questions do not include a comparison.
O = Outcome: This component describes the desired change or improvement.
T = Timing: Define the duration of treatment and the follow-up schedule that matter to patients. Consider both long- and short-term outcomes.
S = Setting: Define the setting (primary, specialty, inpatient, nursing homes, or other long-term care setting) where the study is implemented and the relevance of the study setting to real world use.
Source: Dang, Deborah, et al. Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, Fourth Edition, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2021.
PICO is a widely used acronym to assist in remembering the key components of a clinical question. There are additional letters and frameworks to help you formulate a question fitting your research. Not all parts of PICO are required! PICO is a framework to help you narrow your topic, not a rule. PICO is the most common framework for developing a clinical research question, but multiple question frameworks exist.
When should you use PPCO (Problem, Population, Change, Outcome)?
Across most frameworks, you will often be considering:
Branum, Candise MLS; Schiavenato, Martin PhD, RN. Can ChatGPT Accurately Answer a PICOT Question?: Assessing AI Response to a Clinical Question. Nurse Educator: 10.1097/NNE.NNE.0000000000001436, April 28, 2023. DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001436.
Waldrop, J., & Jennings-Dunlap, J. (2024). CE: Beyond PICO-A New Question Simplifies the Search for Evidence. The American journal of nursing, 124(3), 34–37.
Waldrop, Julee DNP, PNP-BC, EBP-C, FAANP, FAAN; Jennings-Dunlap, Jayne DNP, FNP, CNE, EBP-C. CE: The Mountain Model for Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Initiatives. AJN, American Journal of Nursing ():10.1097/01.NAJ.0001014540.57079.72, April 10, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0001014540.57079.72
Searching databases in a consistent, structured manner will save you time. As your searching progresses and your searches are refined, your search history can be extremely useful. It can also improve the relevancy of results obtained, as you reflect on your keywords and synonyms and how these influence your search results.
To develop a search strategy you will need to:
Searching is an iterative process and often requires re-evaluation and testing by adding or changing keywords and the ways they relate to each other. To guide your search development, you can follow the search steps below.
1. Formulate a clear, well-defined, answerable search question
Generally, the basic literature search process begins with formulating a clear, well-defined research question. Asking the right research question is essential to creating an effective search.
2. Identify primary concepts and gather synonyms
Your research question will also help identify the primary search concepts. This will allow you to think about how the concepts to relate to each other.
3. Locate subject headings (MeSH)
Subject databases use 'controlled vocabularies' made up of subject headings that are preassigned to indexed articles that share a similar topic. These subject headings are organized hierarchically within a family tree of broader and narrower concepts. Search the Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] database.
4. Combine concepts using Boolean operators AND/OR
Once you have identified your search concepts, synonyms, and MeSH terms, you will need to put them together using nesting and Boolean operators (e.g. AND, OR, NOT).
5. Refine search terms and search One Search, PubMed @ SMU or other databases.
There are various database search tactics you can use, such as field tags to limit the search to certain fields, quotation marks for phrase searching, and proximity operators to search a number of spaces between terms to refine your search terms.
6. Apply limits (optional)
If you're getting too many results, you can further refine your search results by using limits on the left box of the results page. Limits allow you to narrow your search by a number of facets such as year, journal name, article type, language, age, etc.
7. Find studies that support, refute, or indicate that "more research needs to be done".
By following where the evidence leads you, this will lend credibility to your search results, final analysis, and recommendations for practice.
8. Avoid wasting time on conducting exhaustive searches.
If it is taking you longer than 30 minutes to conduct a well-built search, Ask a Librarian for assistance. Librarians are expert searchers that can help you find what you need.
Good search practice could involve keeping a search "research" log or document detailing your search activities so that you can keep track of effective search terms, or to help others to reproduce your steps and get the same results.
This record could be a document, table, or spreadsheet with:
A search planner may help you to organize your thoughts prior to conducting your search. If you have any problems with organizing your thoughts prior, during, and after searching please Ask a Librarian for individual help.